Scripture Reading - 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 AMPLIFIED BIBLE

2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago--whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows--was caught up to the third heaven.
3 And I know that this man--whether in the body or away from the body I do not know, God knows--
4 Was caught up into paradise, and he heard utterances beyond the power of man to put into words, which man is not permitted to utter.

The “third heaven” is only referred to once in the Holy Bible. It is more commonly referred to as “Heaven” the place where our Heavenly Father resides. In the word of God this “third heaven” is the place of rest for all God’s Saints throughout the ages. Initially man was not given access to heaven because man was created to govern the earth. However, after the fall of mankind the place of paradise (Abraham’s bosom) in the earth housed the souls of the righteous while the ungodly were kept in the physical location of hell.-Refer to Luke 16:22-23 and Luke 23:43 Thank God that we have a Savoir Named Jesus Christ that shed His Precious Blood as a ransom for all mankind because when Jesus rose from the dead He made it possible for man to be with God, in this “third heaven”. The “third heaven” is known as a place of rest because man is totally delivered from the all negative effects of the natural earth and evil influences upon the earth. This means no more pain and suffering, no more sickness and disease, no more mental temptations from the devil and no more persecution from the evil one or other people. This “third heaven” is described as the most beautiful place imaginable; thus the scripture today also refers to it as “paradise”. The atmosphere of the “third heaven” is so charged with the Presence of God that sun light is not necessary; it solely lighted by the glory of God in the Light of Christ. Not only does the Lord Himself speak with you but also all the saints you knew on earth will comfort and converse with you in this “third heaven”. If you can imagine renewed strength and a level of tangible peace that transcends comprehension you would not be even close to understanding the awesomeness of the “third heaven”. This is why the writer in the scripture above describes the experience as “beyond the power of man to put into words”. Not only will we see and hear things in this “third heaven” that we will not be able to accurately articulate while on this earth but in this “third heaven” we will not be able to describe the things that not in the earth today. One of the amazing things about the “third heaven” is that it holds all the ages together in one permanent time frame of eternity. Since nothing is old in this “third heaven” you will see things from previous centuries that look brand new and because God is outside of time you will even see things scheduled to come to the earth at a later date. It is not possible to describe the many beautiful facets of this “third heaven” we (ihlcc) can only hope, pray and beg all men upon the face of this earth to call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ with a truly repentant heart that deserves only to serve our Heavenly Father. Once this confession of faith is made in honest sincerity this holy and happy place of the “third heaven” will be experienced by each believer as a reality in Jesus Christ. Amen.